You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.3. Sales - Invoice Creation > Preliminary Invoices for FIFO Stock

Preliminary Invoices for FIFO Stock

A new feature has been added to Micronet v2.8 to prevent FIFO stock from going negative. Throughout Micronet now, wherever stock is consumed, if your system is setup for FIFO stock and there are not enough serial numbers of an item to fulfil a transaction, Micronet displays a message and will not allow you to post the transaction. Instead, you can hold the transaction while you sort out the serial numbers (e.g. receive the serial numbers into Micronet), and you can then allocate the serial numbers to the transaction and post it.

This applies to all programs where stock is consumed including Auto Backorder Allocation, Allocation From Purchasing/Transfers, Standing Orders and Transfers.


Technical Tip

The only program where Micronet still allows negative FIFO stock is in MRF orders, which have different requirements.

For MDS invoices and POS dockets, while the same principle applies, it is implemented slightly differently. In these cases, Micronet still displays a message when there are not enough serial numbers to fulfil the order but it allows you to post the order as a new type of invoice called a “preliminary invoice”. The preliminary invoice behaves in the same way as a normal invoice except that the invoice is not posted and none of the stock on the invoice is consumed (even non-FIFO stock). It is allocated a normal invoice number, can be printed as an invoice, and can be viewed in inquiries. However, you can edit the serial number allocations on a preliminary invoice and then post it as a normal invoice; or you can post it when the serial numbers are available for allocation and let Micronet automatically select the serial numbers for you.

The following topics explain how to process and inquire on preliminary invoices.



These topics also contain information about preliminary invoices: